Places of Welcome
Places of Welcome is a growing network of local community groups providing their neighbourhoods with places where all people feel safe to belong, connect and contribute.
Greater Together Manchester is supporting the development of Places of Welcome across Greater Manchester and Rossendale.
What is a Place of Welcome?
Although each Place of Welcome is all slightly different from one another, each is open to everyone and offers:
Friendship and hospitality;
Regular opening at the same time each week;
Free refreshments;
Local knowledge about the neighbourhood.
The network has developed a set of guiding principles for all Places of Welcome, known as the 5P’s:
PLACE: An accessible and hospitable building, open at the same time every week.
PEOPLE: Open to everyone regardless of their circumstances or situation, and staffed by volunteers.
PRESENCE: A place where people actively listen to one another.
PROVISION: Offering free refreshments (at least a cup of tea and a biscuit) and basic local information.
PARTICIPATION: Recognises that every person coming to a Place of Welcome will bring talents, experiences and skills that they might be willing to share locally.
"At a Place of Welcome you find people who will listen with integrity. You discover there are no expectations"
"Our Place of Welcome has a warm friendly atmosphere. Where people can come and meet their friends, have a chat and enjoy the hospitality. We always make time to talk with our visitors and make them feel at home. It is a safe environment where everyone feels safe"
If you are interested in setting up a Place of Welcome in Greater Manchester or Rossendale, click here to get in touch with the Area Coordinator.
You can also find out more information about Places of Welcome on the Places of Welcome website.